تماس 02634457743
تماس 02634457743

The process of implementing Sepehr production management software in glass

In the name of God, I am Rasa Rakhshani. I have been active in the glass industry since 1984. I am the executive director of Kaveh Flut factory. I am currently working. so that they can use this information well, we had many problems in Kaveh Flute glass basic industries, one of the problems was that our company could not respond quickly to customers in terms of product delivery dates, and one of the problems that occurred inside the factories There is the production of toughened, laminated, double-glazed, industrial and decorative glass. It is about production control, the amount of waste and product tracking.

Other problems that cause a drop in efficiency in the factory, or in fact we impose an additional production overhead on the production, the same issue is the copies that we give to the production, if we do not have the software, we have to create different maps for the same map for different stations.

Let's give it and people have to put the necessary ticks on the paper and there are wrong choices. By providing this software, Sepehr Rayan Sepenta Company was able to help us to respond quickly to our customers. From the moment the orders are registered, we can announce the delivery date to the customers. This delivery date is based on bottlenecks and production capacity by The software provided can give us a real estimate of our current situation, so this software has the ability to quickly record information, either by a barcode reader or in the form of systems where the operator can enter this information manually. Registers quickly.

Each station is characterized by what products it has produced or how much square footage there is in the security unit or the laminate section. This speed of recording and registering information has increased our speed in product tracking. We know exactly what path an order has taken from the moment it arrives to the moment it leaves, where it stopped, how long it took for this production to reach the stage where we can deliver this product to the customer.

Therefore, I recommend companies that are active in the production of toughened, laminated, double-glazed, industrial and decorative glass to join Sepehr Ryan Sepenta's big family, and this company can help you speed up your data recording by providing this software. And as much as you can get a better output from this information, it can help you in management and control. I wish success to Sepehr Ryan Sepenta and their powerful team headed by Mr. Eng. Taghizadeh. His place was vacant in the production of construction and decorative glass. I had to deal with these issues and problems in my experience in different companies. Anyway, I worked as a production manager and production supervisor in different factories, and this lack of response to customers is really It was one of the problems that we had in different factories and we were able to solve these problems by providing this software.